Real Life

Written by
Miles Rote

Real Life

Written by
Miles Rote

Real Life

Written by
Miles Rote
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Today, the sunset and scenic nature was too much to bear I had to leave the perfect scenery and serene soundscape and numb myself of all the awe.

I was there for hours. A perfect day: hammock, river, sparkling water, mushrooms, pen, paper.

I was overcome. The beauty, the awe. I felt so filled I had to get up and drive straight to a Mexican food restaurant where I proceeded to order margaritas, chips, and salsa.

Sometimes the truth is too much to bear. Today it was.

When I remember how incredible it is to be alive and really tap into the truth we're a floating paradise in space, I'm completely overcome with gratitude, wonder, aliveness, and awe.

It's as if, for a moment, I tap directly into the current of source and become swept away by it as it runs through me and observes itself.

Is it not our nature that seeks to understand itself? And are we not animators of it?

It's these moments we experience the universe observing itself. And sometimes the overwhelm can drive us to forget.

Perhaps because it's that powerful. Or perhaps because we've done a poor job of training ourselves for it.

Either way, we mustn't forget.

We must remember how far we've come, contemplate how far we can go, and laugh at how hilariously beautiful it is that we can't even imagine where we will go.

After all, we couldn't go very far if we were limited by our imagination.

The same goes for us. We are our own worst critics and biggest self-limiters. The rules, ceilings, borders, and labels we put on ourselves are sheltering us from our raw potential.

We hide within temperature controlled walls while the universe is begging us to remember, to get out so we can get in.

To get out of our own way to make space for something better, something beyond ourselves. For it.

We are the universe expressing itself. When we tap in, we feel it. We observe the river of the cosmos rushing through us.

And sometimes when it becomes too much to bear, it's okay to drive to a local Mexican food restaurant and come to terms with it through chips, salsa, and tequila.

Just remember what you're doing. Label it. "I'm numbing myself because life is too much to bear."

The more you label your behaviors the more you'll be able to master them.

Of course, there are better ways to integrate the awe of being alive but sometimes it can feel necessary to disintegrate.

Just call yourself out when you do.